Highest blood alcohol level recorded. Will Brown (31) had triple the level considered lethal
Feb 17, 2025 · Martin Eisenberg
Portsmouth, Australia. Municipal police discovered unconscious man lying in a ditch and was unable to wake him up on the spot despite numerous attempts, local news channel reports. After transporting him to the hospital it was discovered that blood alcohol level of the man was 0.934. The man survived. According to papers that man is Will Brown (31).
It's a miracle that he's alive, doctors say. The lethal blood alcohol level is estimated to be 0.35. Will had almost 3 times more. The blood examination was performed twice.
'It's not that easy to achieve such a result' says dr. Damian R. Okusa. 'Such blood alcohol level is probably a result of several days of continuous drinking or drinking a litre vodka in one go with an empty stomach'.
After waking up, Will refused to provide an explanation, took his stuff and left the hospital. Due to such dose of alcohol being poisonous the police are looking for witnesses, worrying about other participants of the possible libation.
The impact of such severe alcohol poisoning on the body functioning is not known. Even blood alcohol level over 0.3 can cause a cerebral edema or cerebral palsy. In most cases, the effect is a long-term decrease of intellectual abilities.
UHS Portsmouth General Hospital
Due to the unusual media attention we confirm that one of our patients had a BAC level of 0.934. That is not a mistake, we have conducted the blood examination twice receiving identical results. The patient checked out of the hospital although we strongly advised against it.
An earlier, degrading record was set in 1995. A man driving under the influence of alcohol caused an accident. At that point he's blood alcohol level was 0.914. He died several days later due to injuries received in the accident.
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