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Brian Smith (19) started a fight with a group of policemen and run away. Search is in progress

Oct 21, 2024  ·  Martin Eisenberg

Smithton, United Kingdom. Search is in progress for a man who attacked the policemen during a routine check. According to initial findings his name is Brian Smith. His motives remain unknown.

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The incident took place yesterday in the evening, near one of the nightclubs in sight of many witnesses. The police spokesperson did not want to give us any information. We got the story was from the participants of a party currently present in front of the club.

The man reportedly refused to present his id and then attacked the policeman who grabbed him by the hand. ‘A fight ensued after which the policeman dropped to the ground’ says a woman, one of the witnesses of the incident. ‘His partner tried to help him but she turned out to be helpless too’.

The aggressor seemed not to care much about the situation. What’s more, after a moment he spotted another police patrol checking the ids of other partygoers in the distance. ‘He then grabbed a garbage bin and started hitting a nearby pole with it in order to draw attention. After a moment a dogfight ensued and a shot was fired. Probably a policeman’s gun dropped to the ground during the fight. We started running away’ says another witness. The bullet probably did not hit anybody.

‘After the shot, the man started to move away from them, still shouting something’ – reports Ms. Donovan, a tenant in the nearby block. ‘Sometimes they hustle with policemen in front of this club, but I’ve never seen a thing like that’ she adds.

After the incident, the man reportedly took selfies and filmed himself with a mobile phone. H run away only when he heard the coming police cars.

Smithton Police Department Police station · 1072 likes · 5 hrs ·

We launched an internal investigation regarding recent event of a policemen on-duty being attacked. We will issue a statement after the investigation has concluded.

The subject of police trainings returns once again. This incident is just another example of the policemen not being able to cope with arresting people not willing to cooperate. Another thing that seems not to work are combined patrols.

‘Even a well trained policewoman won’t make it against a 200 lbs aggressive male. Another thing is the fact that her partner is constantly worried about her instead of being reinforced by her. With all due respect for equal rights, this is a bad idea, a failure of the system’ says Gordon Blake, a former chief of an antiterrorist unit.

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Inaccurate information? Report it › Source: NPR, PAPs.

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Humberto Manzo Works as General Contractor
Well... there's always a time for a selfie, ain't it not?

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So he took out 4 armed policemen? How is this even possible? Who are the people protecting us? Less donats more gym!

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This is bullshit, I know Brian and this looser would brake his arm trying to kill a fly. But he is crazy alright, so might be him...

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Stunned by the number of comment supporting his actions. I wish he picks up a fight with you next time. Dorks.

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Well karma returns. How many time cops beat up innocent people? I'm happy they got their asses whooped for a change.

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He'll start his jailtime with a good reputation among other fellons.

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Imagine the comments if they shot the guy.

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Louise Marshall
Must be mentally retarded

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