Started a fight with a group of policemen and run away. Search is in progress.
Kung-fu fighter at large
Show your family and friends how easy it is to manipulate using fake news by creating a shocking story about... them! The best way to learn is through experience.
We can't get rid of fake news, and we won't manage to rebut all the lies. But we can make people more aware of this problem and show them how easy it is to fabricate information by creating a fake article about them.
Let's apply a fake news vaccine!
It's quite simple. Just pick a story and tell us who should it be about. That's it! We'll create a link to a story that is known only to you. You decide who and how to share it with, and you can erase it anytime. We care about your privacy.
Our website is basically a set of fictional news article templates in which you can replace some of their content, mainly personal details and location, with the data you provide. When creating an article, you in fact create just a link that contains all the information you passed onto a form. When you open that link our website grabs the data, decodes it and inserts into article template on-the-fly. The link is private and known only to you, we won't publish it anywhere, it's up to you what you'll do with it.
Have a look at the articles we prepared for you. When you find something you like just tap it and use the form to create a new story with a hero of your choice1. Share your story on facebook, twitter or wherever you fancy.
1 Mind our terms of use and don't try to harm anyone
If you need to contact us please use our email address