Brian Smith (19), died from alcohol overdose, came back to life in the morgue... and returned to the party
Feb 17, 2025 · Martin Eisenberg
Smithton, United Kingdom. In the afternoon a passer-by contacted the emergency services concerning an unconscious man. After reaching the location and multiple CPR attempts, the man was declared dead and transported to the closest morgue.
As it later turned out, the man participated in a party which included large amounts of vodka. The man felt sick and decided to go out to get some fresh air. Shortly after, he was found on the nearby sidewalk, not showing any vital signs.
The body has been placed in the morgue to await a physician. About an hour later, strange noises and moans alarmed Mr. Patrick, who works as the morgue’s security officer.
- I was positive that we have a break-in, sometimes kids play stupid jokes, but the noises came somewhere from the coolers. With shaking hands I opened the cooler and there was a naked corpse looking at me and asking for a blanket! – he told us in an emotional statement.
After a moment of silence Smith learned what happened, he gave his statements to the police officers who arrived at the morgue, and against the doctor’s recommendations, took his clothes and decided to head back home. The police officers offered to help, and give him a lift.
However, during their ride Brian changed his mind and asked to be dropped off at the party which he had left. – We tried to talk him out of the idea, but we’ve decided that since he came back from the dead he has a reason to celebrate – says senior constable Lucien Finula.
Ian Himilsbach Regional Specialist Hospital
Hospital · 1321 likes · 5 hrs. ·
Apart from the police, the hospital carries out its own internal investigation in terms of a wrongly declared death. A proper statement will be presented after the works end.
Meanwhile, under the pressure of the media, an investigation has been initiated aiming at explaining how such a serious mistake, of declaring a cardiac arrest, could be made.
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