Walter Taylor (23) dressed like a priest and shrived members of the congregation
Feb 17, 2025 · Martin Eisenberg
Rosconmoe, Ireland. The man was questioned in relation to the incident he reportedly took part in in one of the churches. He pretended to be a priest and shrived the members of the congregation for 2 hours. After giving explanations he was released.
According to the findings, Walter entered the church and loudly announced that he will shrive after which he locked himself up in a confessional. At that time, no priest was present in the central nave.
The man was exposed by one of the altar boys who noticed unusual reactions of the faithful and notified the vicar. The vicar then asked the impostor to leave and called the police. At that point, the fake confessor already managed to hear and shrive over 20 penitents.
The tasks he ordered for shriving were quite surprising, however the faithful performed them without protests. Some were to tear apart all the money they had in their wallets, others were to lie down with their hands spread out in front of the altar for an hour. One man was to stand in front of the church and repeat ‘trolololo’ constantly until he feels the grace of God. An old lady fainted while trying to complete four rounds around the church on her knees.
Some of the penitents got homeworks. One woman was ordered to put a blue dye on her hair, a boy was supposed to stand with the Bible on his head and an old man was ordered to play the main theme from ‘Star Wars’ franchise on a radiator with a spoon. These were only several of the fake cleric ideas.
Most of the people started repenting right away as the book says. The victims say Walter was very convincing. ‘He spoke like a priest and quoted the Book’ says Vincent, a member of the congregation for many years. ‘He refused to absolve one woman after which we got scared and decided to do all he wants us to do as good parishioners should’.
Bishop Robert Laud @bishoplaud
A very sad day for our congragation. Our apologies to every victim of this cruel joke. Let's join our prayers for this poor soul...
Church authorities demanded the suspect to be punished in accordance with local law for profanation of a religious ritual site. However, the man strongly protested. He said that there was no profanation since he is a member of the Church too, he loves Jesus Christ more than anything, wants to become a cleric and this was just a way to gain experience.
What will happen next is up to the prosecutor’s office.
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